Board of Directors

2023 Allenspark Financial Statements (final) read-only.pdf

Agenda is current at the time of posting and is subject to change without notice.



July 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Call to Order

Minutes from Previous Meeting 

Submission of Bills

Treasurer’s Report

Fire Chief’s Report

Old Business

New Business

Fire Fighter Comments

Public Comments

Board Member Comments


Meeting minutes are preliminary. They will be reviewed and either changed or approved by the Board at the next meeting.


                                                  June 19, 2024    

Call to Order

President Jill Allington called the meeting to order with board members Jim Hocker, Bill Ellis, Paul Rekow, Rachel Barkworth and Chief Mike Cousineau.  Also present; Dmitriy Chernyak and David Gallagher (from DMC Auditing), Leo Touzjian,, Erle Collom, Chris Rich and Board Secretary Teresa Hoffman.

Minutes from Previous Meeting

  Paul Rekow made a motion to approve minutes for May 2024, seconded by Jim Hocker, motion passed.

Submission of Bills

  Paul Rekow made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Jim Hocker, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Rachel Barkworth.

CDs – Future CDs may not have rates as high, will need to review in August.

Audit – David Gallagher presented the results of the audit. 

o   Clean audit, no major problems.

o   Cash vs Accrual cut off at end of year.

-        Debit transactions need to be taken out of cash.

-        Grants – Need to be able to track what was spent, ask for reimbursement on time (quarterly).

-        Quickbooks – need online version?

-        New cost centers – Pension, Apparatus, Grants, Capital?

-        Financial Procedures – roles.  Print all Bank Reconciliations, add to Google Drive.

Chief’s Report

  Incidents - 20 Calls; Medical=10, Motor Vehicle Accident = 2, Cancelled = 3, Fire Alarm = 1, Search & Rescue = 1, Fire Assist = 1, Campfire = 1, Vehicle Fire = 1


o   EMTS grant for Cardiac Monitor – Awarded $17,369 (50%). Purchase Order submitted 10/10/23.

o   RETAC grant awarded for 2 – EMT training ($4,500).

o   1B (new tax) – Communications for 12 radios (AFPD contributes 5%).


o   Rookies will graduate next month = Jen Cook and Trey Barresi

⮚     CWPP Update Committee –

o   Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) for $100,000 submitted.

-        Awarded $100,000 May 14.

o   Boulder County Strategic Wildfire Mitigation Grant for $50,000 submitted.

-        Awarded $50,000 Feb 16.

o   Fire Adaptive Services contract to be signed.  First payment ($11,750) paid. 

-        Next bill expected in August.

Stations / Land

Station One – Main - 14861 Highway 7 – Osmun – Nothing new.

Station Two – 2770 Riverside Drive – Heathermeade – Nothing new.

Station Three – 4 County Road 113 East - Meeker Park – Nothing new.

Station Four – 7400 Highway 7 – The Heights – Nothing new.

Station Five – 32 Bunce School Road – McCulloch – Nothing new.

Land at 23 Business Route 7 – Nothing new.


5234 (Brush Truck) – Contract to finish $52,051 with Anchor-Richy.

o   Still need hoses, radios and miscellaneous items to complete.

5225 – Committee researching needed items.

Radio Repeater for Timber Rock area – solar panels attached.

Old Business

  Community Room

o   Meadow Mountain July 13.

o   Wagener Road Association on August 10.

  Open House on June 1 was well attended, approximately 200.

New “Entering AFPD” signs needed.  – Nothing new.

Senate Bill SB24-233 (Property Tax Limit of 5.5%)

o   Lyons Gaddis is preparing a draft of a ballot measure at no cost.

§  Attorney costs for election help = $1,000 to $1,500, plus additional election costs.

o   Jim Hocker talked to many folks, feels rushed.  Trust of voters is critical.

o   Erle Collom gave Board members a copy of the CO Property Tax Revenue Cap that will be on the ballot in November 2024.  May want to wait and see what happens at the next election.

o   Rachel Barkworth suggested asking the community for views on this subject.

o   Leo Touzjian – If the Board plans on asking for a mill levy in the future, the measures on the next election will help show the need.

o   Board members will research (SDA–Ann Terry, Lyons, Gaddis, etc.) and discuss again next month.

New Business

  Long Term Planning committee met.

o   Will present some notes at next Board Meeting.

Tempus Monitor

o   Erle Collom showed the new cardiac monitor from Philips, smaller with more options.

Public Comments

  Leo Touzjian always votes no on any new taxes.

Fire Fighter Comments

Chris Rich – Can we do something on the parking lot paved apron for Station One?  Paint ourselves?

Jill Allington will contact Brittini Hamilton at The Old Gallery, Bill Ellis will contact CDOT.

Board Member Comments

Rachel Barkworth - Meadow Mountain Water received a USDA grant, will install a new Fire Hydrant.


The Board Meeting was adjourned at 9:03.


Respectfully submitted:

Teresa Hoffman                                                                                                                 June 19, 2024